Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A.Please write to South African government B.Thank Japan for not voting for Sri Lanka C. Pl sign the petition

The South African Times:
The Human Rights Commission chairman Jody Kollapen wrote to the minister of international relations and cooperation, Maite Nkoane-Mashabane, asking why the position taken by the SA representative on the UN Human Rights Council differed from the government position. South Africa recently supported a call by Judge Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, for an investigation into the atrocities. Kollapen said South Africa had always played a role in trying to mediate the conflict. "What was concerning was South Africa supported the resolution that would not see any investigation. It was in contradiction to the statement issued by the South African government."
1.Ms Maite Nkoane-Mashabane

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation





Mr Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma


Private Bag X1000, PRETORIA, 0001


Union Buildings, Government Avenue, PRETORIA


(012) 300 5200


(012) 323 8246






3.Mr John Jeffery
Parliamentary Counsellor to the President

Japan did not vote for Sri Lanka but abstained from voting though did not vote against Sri Lanka.
Please consider thanking Japan and to tell other members about the plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka:
Rt Hon Taro Aso
Prime Minister
C. It was temporarily out of order -it's working now. Pl tell your neighbours, workmates, friends and families:

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