Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Barrie examiner
Canada can do more to protect Tamil survivors

The political climate in Sri Lanka is quite unfortunate and includes the arrests and imprisonment of individuals without charges, disappearances, kidnappings and torture of individuals, journalists, and, sadly, women and children by each side.
Aaron and Ranji Sureshkumar are among 40 Tamils living in Barrie. Ranji came into my office in tears because she fears for the safety of her uncle, who is stranded in these Sri Lankan government camps.
I believe Canada has a role to play by punching beyond our weight to protect human rights, as well as minority rights in Sri Lanka.
We should act expeditiously to ensure direct assistance such as food, shelter and medical aid -- including medical professionals from Canada -- actually reach the thousands of Tamils in the conflict zone, something the Sri Lankin government is prohibiting.
Caucus:* Conservative Constituency: Barrie
Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
 (613) 992-3394
 (613) 996-7923
Web Site:*

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