Friday, March 27, 2009

URGENT - Stop 1.9 billion dollars of IMF funding to Sri Lanka

URGENT - Stop 1.9 billion dollars of IMF funding to Sri Lanka*

CanadianHART appeal to stop the IMF loan to SL.Please do your part and send the emails immediately. Also, please sendus a copy at for our records.

Your letter can stop 1.9 billion dollars going to Sri Lanka's warcoffers. Every dollar to Sri Lanka kills innocent Tamils. Write nowand get your friends and families to do the same. Spread the message wide by circulating this message.

Stop the IMF funding to Sri Lanka - Save Lives.Currently, Sri Lanka is in negotiations with the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF) for a loan of about 1.9 billion US dollars.Sri Lanka's war on Tamils have already claimed the lives of nearly3200 civilians and critically injured more than 9200 civilians, in thelast 75 days alone.

More than 300,000 Tamils have been made homeless.The failure of the Sri Lankan state to provide any forms of politicalsolution to the ethnic crisis and its ardent belief in the furthermilitarization at the expense of human lives, crumbling economy,failing human rights and humanitarian standards, and increasedalienation in the International community only shows Sri Lanka'sabsolute lack of serious commitment to work for the betterment of itspeople.

Therefore, one would be safe to assume that, any moneyprovided to Sri Lanka will only perpetuate the war on Tamils evenfurther.We therefore, call on you to act immediately to ensure the majorshareholders of the IMF don't provide the emergency loan sought by theGovernment of Sri Lanka.
Top five shareholders of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are
USA(16.79% votes),
Japan (6.02),
Germany (5,88),
UK (4.86),
Canada, votes on her behalf and a host of other countries, hasthe power to weigh in with 3.64% of the votes.
Murilo Portugal Deputy Managing Director, IMF,

Anoop Singh Asia and Pacific Department Director, IMF,

Olivier Blanchard Economic Counsellor and Research Department Director, IMF,

Elliott Harris Special representative to the UN, IMF General inquiries


for moreinformation.CanadianHART calls upon all concerned individuals and organizations toappeal to the IMF directors to deny the US$1.9 in loan sought by theGovernment of Sri Lanka and to help stop the war.Read Sample letter with detailed information

Send e-mails to the major shareholders of

IMF:USA - Meg Lundsager, Email:

Japan - Daisuke Kotegawa, Email:

Germany - Klaus D. Stein, Email:

UK - Alex Gibbs, Email:

France - Pierre Duquesne, Email:

Canada - Jonathan Fried (Canada), Email: ,

Send letters to:
Mr. Brian Aitken Sri Lanka Mission ChiefInternational Monetary Fund,700 19th Street, N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20431

Mr. Anoop Singh, Director,Asia and Pacific DepartmentInternational Monetary Fund,700 19th Street, N.W.,Washington, D.C. 20431

Sign CanadianHART's petition Resources

* Foreign aid and Sri Lanka's military expenditure:

Sri Lanka Increases Spending as IMF Warns of :

* Lanka: Most militarized in South Asia:

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